One Month Mark Post on LegacyConnect Sep 27, 1916
Thanks Harold for your comments. I've just gone past the one month mark and I think that the first month I was just on auto-pilot. I still am to a large degree and I find that it's actually getting harder as the reality sets in. My eyes are so sore from crying every day for the past 4 months and now especially in the last month. It is a relief to have a place (here) to come to share this with others who unfortunately are in the same situation. No one can believe how incredibly lonely it is when this happens. Just missing those moments in the morning and at night when you would say the things to each other...not to mention now not having the one person in the world that you trusted 100%. It's really a nightmare. We just have to all keep doing the things that we know we should and hope that we learn the coping mechanisms that allow us to keep going.