The Solitude and the Silence

I’ve spent a respectful amount of time lately on Facebook pages like Widow Dark Thirty, and every single person as far as I can tell goes through the same thing. I know I did.

The silence is deafening and mainly people have the TV on just to have it feel like there is something taking up the empty silence. The minute I would walk into the house after work, I’d turn on the TV. I still do. The minute I’d get up and go into the kitchen, the TV would go on. I found that during the season, for some reason, football would be oddly soothing. Just background. I never cared about any of the games.

And to be clear, the TV was never on in the mornings or during the day before.

I am a huge music listener, and had my AV guy come and get my system up to snuff so that I can control everything on my phone, computer, or iPad. I have music throughout my home and I listen to it a lot, mainly on the weekends.

I also have an Alexa, Echo, Tap, Dot, and 2 Shows. The great thing about these products is that you can tell them what to do, and they do it. Being naturally bossy, I like that. She talks back and sometimes it’s nice to hear another voice.

You will find that things that you never thought about in the past now seem so in your face. It’s normal. Connecting with others online is a good way to know that you are not losing your mind. It’s just something that happens.