Grateful Post from LegacyConnect on Jan 30, 2017
Tiffany, it wasn't enough time. We all feel the same way. I tell myself every day, in an effort to not fall into such despair, that I'm so lucky to have had Bill for the time that I did. I try and be thankful and grateful for that. It doesn't make me feel any better about him not being here now but I know that some people never have anyone so I try and concentrate on how lucky I was to have even been with him for the time I had. I liken it to a horrible Ground Hog Day movie, where every day it's the same hell over and over. It's going to take time, that I'm sure of. I'm still in the "fog" that they talk about. It's getting a bit better where I'm able to concentrate a bit more but you have to just ride it out, get help, read, cry and talk about him and to him every day and night. It's certainly not fair and we all drive ourselves crazy with the questions that we'll never have answers to. At least you know that you are not crazy.