Work - How Do You Do It?

For me, I had a business to keep running, and it was frightening. I just kept getting up every morning, getting myself together and going to work. I not only needed to keep it together for myself, but for my team, who’s livelihood’s depend on our business as well. I’m not going to lie. It’s a lot of pressure.

Because I have quality people working with me, we have been able to persevere. Bill’s dying affected them greatly as well. We were all very close.

At the end of the day, I just kept doing what I had already been doing. Just doing a heck of a lot more as I took over everything Bill had been doing. I was in the office the day after he died. In fact, I think the only day that I didn’t come into the office, at least until he was in hospice was the day he died. I was still taking calls, answering emails…I didn’t know what else to do.

We want to make Bill proud and that’s what we tell ourselves. Bill would be proud. And we always ask “What would Bill do?”. We know that’s the right answer.

We still cry probably a couple of times a week, or at least get really misty. And that’s OK. Sometimes just a couple of us, sometimes with clients, both old or new. People that didn’t know and bring up how great our website is and how they always admired what Bill did, (that happened to me two days ago), past clients who have now lost someone, some to the same hideous cancer, some with clients that just ask how I’m doing. Sometimes it’s just the emotion of having someone be kind enough to ask. It really means so much.

One foot in front of the other. It’s all we can do.