With a Little (Lot) Help From Your Friends
By far, one of the best things that has come out of this whole experience, is that I now have a wonderful group of friends, without whom I probably would have lost my mind. One of the eye-openers when you go through a loss of a spouse, is who steps up and who doesn’t. People that you would have expected to, don’t, and those that perhaps you barely knew, do.
Thank you to these beautiful souls who have been there to share in the tears, the pain, and now the healing, fun, travel, laughs, and everything else as we all keep putting one foot in front of the other. Looking forward to many more good, joy filled times:
Beverly, Ed, Bob R, Terri & Family, Laura & Family, Dean, Deb, & Family, Eric, Veronica, Alain & Family, Bob S, Sharon & Don Pedro, Erin, Mark, Joseph, Leslie, Val, Bob & Tina, Deborah, Vicki, Louise, Sandy & Bob, Kathleen, Mary, Charlene, Paula, Linda, Mario, Susana, Jacki, Sherri, Frank & Genni, William, Dorothy, Diane, Mick, Maddie, David & Karen, Deb, Mavis, Sue, Harout, Kim, Mom, Gary & Diana.