Horrible People Post from LegacyConnect on Jan 25, 2017
I think the same thing all the time. How is it that there are horrible people walking around just fine and we've lost good, kind people. The only thing I can figure out is that if the bad people were taken, people wouldn't care as much. When the good ones are taken, especially too young as in all of our cases, it really makes a difference not only in our lives but in the lives of everyone that knew them. We all ask why every day and what if and it goes on and on. The tears still come with the enormity of it all. Some days are just overwhelming a lot more than others and you feel like how can you go on without your person? I ask myself that every day and today was the 5 month mark. Corey is right with the it "sucks". I have a friend that used much worse language than that and I had to agree. One minute at a time and then one hour at a time and then one day at a time. It's all we can do.