Change in Attitude - It's a Good Thing
The original reason I started this page and my blog was to share my story so that others going through the same thing would know they were not alone in the process. As my friend Terri says, we are paying it forward.
Two years ago there were not all the resources online that there are now. And I think they are super helpful. At least the ones I'm a member of.
One of the most powerful features, I feel, is seeing those that have been through it all and have come out the other side with hope, love, and new beginnings. After all, without hope, we have nothing.
I have always had hope that moving forward I would again find a great love. I wasn't sure that it would happen, but I was hopeful. I would talk out loud every morning (and still do) and say that if it did happen, it would be great, and if not, well, at least I had a wonderful 11 years with someone who cherished, loved, adored me and treated me with respect. I know that a lot of people never even have that so I was and am grateful.
In the past month, without spilling all the beans, life is looking up for me. And if it can be good for me, it can be good for you.
Does it make the past two years go away or any less important? No. Of course not. The pain is there, the love is still there, but I've always thought that when you lose someone in this manner, your heart expands to make room for more. And having hope and being happy is even sweeter because of it.
Do not settle for less than you deserve. Do not lower your standards or your criteria just so that you are not alone. Do not be desperate. Be patient and know that when the time is right and the person is right, the moon and the stars will all line up and it will happen.